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10 Signs A Woman Is Emotionally Exhausted & Low-Key Considering Divorce

If you are a spouse and you are reading this article, good for you. It’s better to address any unrest or unhappiness in your wife early on, when you two can address the challenges together.

Maybe you’ve been seeing changes in the woman you love and you’re worried about the future of your marriage — or perhaps you are a woman who is really struggling, not sure of the root cause and looking for ideas about how to move forward. I know it’s scary, but good for you.

I know how it feels to be unhappy in a marriage, and in life in general. 

Ten years ago, I had a nervous breakdown. We had just returned to the states after two years in Japan and it was hard, for so many reasons. We had uprooted our whole lives and moved stateside and that was destabilizing for me.

My kids were struggling through middle school, my real estate career had stalled out and my husband was working really hard. It was just life, but it was not an easy one.

Slowly, I started to fall apart but had no idea that it was happening. I knew that I was miserable but couldn’t see clearly why. As a result, I focused on my husband and our marriage as the source of my misery and thought about how much better I would be if I divorced him.

In retrospect, I realize that, while he was part of what I was struggling with, there was so much more to what happened. If only I had seen it then, everything might have been different. Fortunately, I’m happy and healthy today and in love with a wonderful man who is now my husband. But the road to that place was not always easy.


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