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2 Ways To Deal With Breakup Threats (So Your Relationship Survives)

No couple wants their relationship wants to end in a breakup.

But, if you’re on the receiving end of constant breakup threats from your partner after an argument, you’re going to feel confused, worried, fearful, angry, manipulated, and maybe even emotionally threatened as well.

The good news is that the way you respond can make a huge difference.

Relationship problems are normal. Breakup threats, however, feel like a hangover when you haven’t even had any alcohol to drink.

You and your partner were having a casual conversation that suddenly turned tense before morphing into a full-blown argument.

You seem to be miles apart on this contentious topic and a reasonable solution (that you both can be happy with) feels impossible.

And then one of you utters any of these words:

  • “Maybe we should break up.”
  • “I don’t see how we can continue if we can’t agree on this!”
  • “If you disagree, I can‘t stay in this relationship.”
  • “I’m leaving.”

Then, doors slam. Phone calls are cut off. What just happened?


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