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21 Signs You May Have Cyclothymic Disorder (And Not Even Know It)

We all have moods; after all, we’re all human. If you’re the most positive person in the universe and completely OK with life and death, you’re still going to be sad when someone you love passes away. You might be someone who prefers not to have big emotions, but you’re still going to have moments where you feel something. 

A mood can be anything: angry, ashamed, relieved, humiliated, stressed, silly, shocked, upset — it’s a temporary state of mind or feeling. But if your moods noticeably fluctuate from your baseline and you feel at the mercy of your emotions, then you might have cyclothymic disorder. 

Cyclothymic disorder is a rare mood disorder that causes emotional ups and downs, but not as extreme as those felt by individuals with bipolar 1 or 11 disorder. Some people think of cyclothymic as “bipolar lite” since its symptoms are similar and are marked by episodes of low-grade depression and hypomania.

Cyclothymia disorder affects up to one percent of the population; however, at a hospital’s psychiatric department, it’s anywhere from three to five percent, according to Dr. Stephen B. Stokl, author of Mentally Speaking

“Cyclothymia has an insidious onset that starts in late adolescence or early adulthood and has a chronic nature,” he says.

Most people never get treatment for this mental illness because their symptoms don’t seem incapacitating and they don’t realize they have an illness. It’s usually a loved one who notices that there’s a problem, finding it difficult to live with someone with such erratic moods. And the effect of cyclothymic disorder on relationships is dramatic.


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