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3 Harsh Reasons Your Ex Won’t Come Back To You

If “How to Win Back Your Ex-Girlfriend” were a movie, it would surely involve a scene where a John Cusack look-alike holds a stereo over his head; after a few poignant moments, his ex would fly down the stairs and say something like, “You had me at Peter Gabriel.” They would then embrace forever. End scene.

But, unfortunately for the brokenhearted, how to win back your ex-girlfriend isn’t as simple as finding the right song. It actually takes a great deal of effort and going against your innate desires.

In fact, knowing how to win back your ex-girlfriend can sometimes have less to do with how you should behave and more to do with how you shouldn’t. This is because there are certain errors that are the equivalent of your relationship going into the cabinet underneath the kitchen sink and drinking an entire bottle of bleach: committing them is almost always fatal.

So, if you’re trying to learn how to win back your ex-girlfriend, start with avoiding these common — but deal-breaking—mistakes.

Here are the 3 harsh reasons your ex won’t come back to you:

1. Calling too often

It’s not hard to understand why you may feel the need to call your ex immediately after a breakup: you’re hurt, you’re angry, and you’re hell-bent on telling your ex that you’ll do anything to get them back. Unlike Meatloaf, you’ll even do that.

But, calling (or texting or showing up at their doorstep) too much or too soon isn’t effective for two reasons. The first reason is that to put it simply, it’s annoying. Your ex needs time to process the breakup, to decide what she wants, and to settle her nerves. If you continue to pester her with calls, she’ll resent you for it. So, refrain from contacting her at all. Allow for distance to do its job — making the heart grow fonder.


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