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3 Low-Key Aggressive Communication Mistakes That Threaten Even Great Relationships

If there’s one secret to a lasting relationship, it is speaking the same language. Conversations that revolve around compromise result in enduring relationships. Effective communication shouldn’t be complicated, yet most couples complain that it is. This proves to be a serious roadblock.

If you’re not talking openly, honestly, and frequently, how can you know what your partner wants? How can you come up with solutions? Poor communication will create strife between you and your other half, and the wrong words may cause irreparable damage to your relationship.

The best step you can take to overcome problems in your relationship is to change the way you speak about them; addressing challenging situations differently can shift their course entirely. This is especially true if your communication mistakes have come across as unkind or aggressive. 

Three communication mistakes that can affect even your best relationship 

1. Interrogation and aggression

No one likes to be interrogated, but no one dislikes it more than your partner. When we want to have a serious talk with our partner, we tend to bombard them with all of our questions and concerns as soon as they walk through the door. This not only frustrates the other person, but it is a highly ineffective way of articulating your needs.

Jumping from subject to subject, or berating them on matters that don’t pose serious problems, only subtracts from the more valid points you’re trying to make. It is human nature to accuse when being accused, even if that person is plainly guilty. If you speak aggressively, your partner will respond in kind, which means a misunderstanding can quickly escalate into an all-out war.

Try this instead: Wait until your loved one unwinds then gently open one subject of genuine importance. You might feel the urge to bring up everything at once, but it’s best to stick to one topic. You will get to cover all the crucial points in time, so start with the most pressing. Your partner is more likely to be receptive if you’re engaged in a comfortable, non-combative conversation.


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