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4 Harsh Reasons Why Guys Are Scared Of Commitment

Men do not have a very good reputation when it comes to commitment. Like, let’s be real. Men and commitment go together about just as well as me and Spanx (read: not very well at all).

Women are often perceived as being desperate to bag a man and make him commit to her. That’s why every single time you’ve asked a guy, “What’s going on with us?” after three months of dating, he ends up looking at you like you’re just minutes away from chasing after him with a rolling pin. 

While neither of these perceptions is universally true, they are a cliché for a reason: how many times have you heard a heartbroken friend reveal that her relationship ended because her man was afraid of commitment? How many times have you overheard a man call a woman “crazy” for wanting him to agree to settle down with her? 

I have definitely dated men who are afraid of commitment before. I’ve definitely also been the girlfriend who is like, “OMG JUST SAY I AM YOUR GIRLFRIEND, WEIRDO.”

Then again, the shoe has also been on the other foot. I’ve dated men who leaped to commit to me like a house on fire, which left me either delighted or slightly panicked. Both are totally reasonable reactions, guys. {{ Relationships }} can be hard, and the easy path isn’t always clear.


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