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4 Techniques To Stop Your Spouse From Criticizing You (That Are So Effective It’s Scary)

Do you love your spouse but really hate the complaints and nagging from them?

Your partner might be a flat-out bully who says and does things that make you feel bad, wrong, or inept. Or, your spouse might more subtly pick at you. The criticism may be said in a “sweet” or soft voice, but the sting still hurts.

When living with a critical or nagging partner, you might frequently feel defensive and lash back. Instead, your reaction when you feel attacked could be to withdraw into yourself.

There are many things you do in response to your partner’s criticisms. Some of these reactions strain your relationship even more.

For example, when your spouse complains about how you manage money, you respond with passive-aggressive behaviors like hiding your spending or purposely overspending. This could be an unconscious or unintended reaction, by the way.

You might criticize and push back. For instance, if your mate puts down the way you parent your kids, your reaction may be to look for weaknesses in your spouse’s parenting and point that out.

In the short term, some of these reactions feel rewarding and comfortable. However, the lasting effects on your marriage are never positive.

Want to know some effective and positive ways to deal with your partner’s nagging and complaints?


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