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5 Things Married Women Miss

Don’t get me wrong, ladies, I’m happily married. I love my husband and I have a beautiful family — I’m aware of my blessings. But. Oh yes, there’s a “but.” Every now and then, when I’m out with a single girlfriend or watching a romantic comedy, I fall prey to a few pangs.

Am I really never going to have that falling-in-love feeling ever again? Am I truly never going to get to flirt my way into a first date? Kiss a stranger? Catch an eye? But I’m so good at all those things! 

Plus, I’ve been with the man who is now my husband for the better part of a decade so I totally missed out on all the new-fangled dating 2.0 hi-jinks. I’m nowhere near Cougar age yet, thank you very much, but even so, back the last time I was single, Facebook didn’t exist and online dating was for the merely desperate, or truly weird.

I don’t envy you single people trying to navigate the treacherous shoals of sexting and Facebook relationship status-changing (so many new ways to get F-ed with!), and I’m happy to use Craiglist for job searching and used furniture, but still.

I have my regrets. So — what are the things I feel like I’m most missing out on? From a few unrealized fantasies to some modern dating phenomena, here’s my (hopefully) never-to-be Bucket List.

Here are 5 things married women miss:

1. Online dating

Oh, the thrill of finding the perfect photo of myself, of scrolling through the endless possibilities of all those profiles! Yeah, yeah — you single people probably think online dating isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, but it sounds like a smorgasbord of excitement to moi. Of course, maybe that’s just my e-mail addiction speaking.


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