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6 Relationship Traits Prison Wives Have That You (Probably) Don’t

By Catherine Hoke

Society is so endlessly curious about prison culture that millions of us tune in to shows like Prison Wives and Orange Is the New Black. Life in prison is a mystery to many, and it’s human nature to want to peer into this unknown world, reflect on the darker sides of our personalities, and wonder how we would cope with the deprivation of prison life.  

Prison isn’t a sideshow. There are real people trying to keep their relationships alive across the boundaries of prison walls. And though women are often judged and belittled when they stand beside their men in prison, the partnerships that survive can benefit enormously from the hard work and sheer determination that goes into sustaining them.

Here are 6 relationship traits prison wives have that you probably don’t:

1. Patience

A woman with a partner in prison knows a thing or two about patience. She must wait patiently throughout the duration of her partner’s sentence and deal with a new set of challenges upon his release.

Restarting a relationship and coping with the inevitable adjustments often requires even more patience than waiting for a prison term to end. But learning to face hardship with determination will pay off tenfold when the time comes to enjoy that hard-earned relationship.


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