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7 Reasons Right-Handed People Are The Best People To Love, According To Research

A majority of the world (90 percent) is right-handed, but just because there’s a lot of something doesn’t mean it’s not as good as something there’s less of. Quantity doesn’t always mean not as good. If you had a choice to hold on to the first dollar you ever earned or get bags full of cash, I’m guessing you’d take the bags.

Left-handed people are proud of their left-handedness, and I understand their fierce pride. Some things were designed with only right-handed individuals in mind like can openers, guitars, and desks. In the past, people tried to force lefties to be right-handed even though it hurt them and crushed their spirits.

Most of the lefties I know embrace their differences and proudly tie their shoelaces in their special left-handed way, or show the ink stains they wear on their arms proudly.

So yes, lefties are awesome, creative, athletic, and amazing, but that doesn’t mean righties shouldn’t get a little love, too. Righties may be the majority but we’re just as unique and special as anybody else — we just haven’t had the same kind of challenges as the southpaws.

I know so many creative people who are left-handed, I sometimes feel like I’m the one who isn’t in the cool group. I might be right-handed but that doesn’t mean I lean politically to the right or that I’m a know-it-all who considers everything I say as right.

Here are 7 reasons right-handed people are the best people to love:

1. They’re more verbally articulate

The brain is split into two halves: the left and right cerebral hemispheres. They’re equal but with few exceptions. In order to keep things interesting, the left half of the body is controlled by the right hemisphere and the left half of the brain controls the right half of the body. So if someone has a stroke on the right part of their brain, they’re going to have symptoms on the left side of their body.


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