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7 Signs You And Your Boyfriend Should Just Be Friends

Sometimes the line between like and love can be hard to distinguish.

We’ve all been in that one relationship with a guy where all the pieces fit together perfectly.

He was charming and smart and funny and sweet and you get along like gangbusters.

But in spite of all of this, there was a little voice in your head wondering…

“Would we be better off just as friends?”

Let’s get one thing straight right now:

There is nothing WRONG with friendship.

Friendship is dope as hell and really rewarding for the people in it. 

Granted, you don’t tend to have sex with your friends, but sex is not everything.

So, the big question is:

How can you tell if he’s a perfect boyfriend or better off as your bud?

There are lots of different signs, but I’ve pulled together the big ones to help you out. 

Here are 7 signs you and your boyfriend should just be friends:

1. You’re not having sex

Sure, every romantic relationship has its dry spell.


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