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9 easy ways to make friends with grown-ups, even if you feel shy

Building new friendships can be a daunting task, especially for shy individuals. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and anxious when approaching someone new, which often leads to retreating into our shells and avoiding social interaction altogether. However, with some encouragement and perseverance, it’s possible to create authentic and long-lasting friendships. Here are nine ways to build real adult friendships, even if you’re shy:

1) Take things slow: Building relationships takes time, and it’s important to give yourself space to get to know someone at your own pace. By taking it slow, you can alleviate the pressure and become more comfortable opening up. Observe whether potential friends possess the qualities and interests you’re looking for in a friend.

2) Pluck up the courage to invite someone out: Being shy doesn’t mean being passive. Take an active role in engaging people and be willing to put yourself out there. While it may be nerve-wracking to strike up a conversation or reach out to someone, building true friendships as an adult requires some effort. Don’t wait for others to approach you – take calculated risks and introduce yourself to others in a friendly and polite manner.

3) Meet small groups of people in modest settings: Trying to break into large groups can be overwhelming, especially for shy individuals. Large crowds and busy places often exacerbate feelings of anxiety and awkwardness. Instead, consider environments where you feel comfortable and relaxed, such as volunteering at a pet shelter or taking up cooking classes. These smaller group settings provide opportunities for more meaningful interactions.

4) Shift attention to the person you are talking to: As introverts, initiating and maintaining conversations can be challenging. If you find yourself struggling to keep the conversation going, try shifting the focus onto the other person by asking them questions about their hobbies, interests, or family. By actively listening and showing genuine interest, you can create personal connections and alleviate your own nervousness.

5) Find ways to connect with people of similar interests and passions: Common interests and passions serve as a solid foundation for building friendships. Seek out places or events that align with your own hobbies and interests, whether that’s yoga classes or local dog-walking groups. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals increases the likelihood of developing reliable and trustworthy relationships.

6) Work on your confidence and squash self-doubt: Shyness often goes hand in hand with self-doubt. It’s important to overcome these negative thoughts and build confidence in your ability to connect with others. Practice engaging with people, whether through small talk or simply greeting others in everyday situations. Over time, you’ll become more comfortable and develop stronger conversational skills.

7) Be approachable and open-minded: While most shy individuals prefer being approached, it’s essential to remain open-minded and approachable. Pay attention to your appearance and attire, as it can influence others’ perceptions of you. Maintain good posture, make eye contact, and smile. These signals will make you more inviting and increase your chances of making connections.

8) Ditch the negativity: Avoid playing the “what if” game, which creates a cycle of overwhelming negative thoughts that prevent you from taking the initiative in making friends. Instead, focus on positive outcomes and embrace the possibilities of new connections.

Building new friendships is a process that requires effort and perseverance. By following these steps and remaining open to new experiences, you can overcome shyness and build authentic adult friendships. Remember to be patient with yourself and others, as strong friendships take time to develop.


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