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9 Small (But Important) Things Couples In Healthy, Happy Relationships Talk About Regularly

We get it: life can get soul-crushingly boring and feel like an endless loop of sameness. But, still, it’s amazing that couples find themselves needing things to talk about.

There are so many topics to discuss, both not very important (Are scallion pancakes a perfect food? How do you think they make the punches in Indiana Jones sound so satisfying?) and very important (What about the world scares you the most? Do you want to move closer to your parents someday?).

The list goes on and on. And, of course, there are several topics that couples should discuss regularly to keep their marriage happy and healthy: finances, their love life, their day, and the issues they’re facing.

While they might seem insignificant — or, let’s face it, a bit boring — they’re essential to making sure you’re on the same wavelength. So, read up and ask away.

The nine things to talk to your partner about regularly if you want a healthy relationship:

1. Their days

“So, how was your day?” Sounds cliché right? We think so too. But, that doesn’t mean it’s not important.

Asking about your partner’s day is a way to tell them that you care what their life was like when you’re not around. It means you’re curious about their world — their wins, their losses, the soggy egg sandwich they ate, but still kind of enjoyed because the bread was good and fought the sogginess.


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