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Giving Up This One Thing Is The Best Thing Anyone Can Do For Their Relationship

Karen thinks of herself as a relatively laid-back person, but her happiness is starting to dwindle.

But if you took a poll of her boyfriend, family, and closest friends, a different story emerges.

You see, Karen cares a lot about the relationships she’s in.

Her biggest fear is losing the people she loves and so she spends the majority of her time, energy, and resources, making sure the bonds she has with loved ones remain strong.

The trouble is that Karen’s attempts to constantly improve her relationships, and that often feels controlling or smothering to the people in her life.

This is especially true with her romantic relationship.

Jake and Karen have been a couple for over a year now and, unfortunately, Karen’s good intentions are pushing Jake away. Her offer to “help him get organized” makes Jake feel like he no longer has any say in what he does with his free time.

Karen has talked Jake into joining her gym instead of the one that’s closer to his house and she recently began retraining his dog. Even Jake concedes that none of these are horrible acts. It’s just that none of these things feel like his ideas. Lately, he’s become withdrawn and sullen, and Karen can’t figure out why.

We’re all different. Some of us are accustomed to very actively directing what’s going on in our own lives and this urge to control carries over into the lives of those we love. Others are used to and possibly more comfortable going along with what someone else says and does.


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