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How A Devastating Love Affair Made Me Flee The Country

It was Wednesday, July 29, 1981 — the day of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer’s wedding at St. Paul’s Cathedral, and all of Britain got the day off to celebrate.

While everyone else was attending street parties, waving Union Jacks along the procession route, or watching it on the telly, I was slumped on my couch in the living room of my flat in London, TV on mute, bawling my eyes out while Talking Heads’ “Once in a Lifetime” blasted from my stereo.

My companion was a one-liter bottle of cheap white plonk, through which I was merrily drinking: my usual go-to when affairs of the heart went skew whiff, which in my case seemed to be disturbingly often.

The previous night, The Loved One informed me that he couldn’t follow through with our plans to move in together, get married, have babies, etc., etc. In other words, he was canceling the whole happily-ever-after deal.

“I never know how you’ll be,” he explained. “One minute you’re loving and sweet, the next, you’re screaming like a banshee. You’re too wild for me. You’ll get bored and leave me.”

He listed several examples where I’d gone so far off the rails as to become an actual train wreck.

“You take each blow on the chin,” he said. “Everyone else goes with the flow.” In other words, I was a total nightmare that no one in their right mind could put up with. Certainly not him. Though, in my defense, there were extenuating circumstances. I replayed the previous evening. We had drinks after work in the local pub, where most of our social life took place. Drinking was par for the course for journalists back in the 80s. After dinner, we retreated back to my place.

After our usual tryst in the bedroom, he got ready to go home.


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