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I Found Out How Men Really Feel About Tattoos On Women

I loved him, so I got a tattoo.

It didn’t happen the way it sounds. I didn’t get some tribute like his name in Old English font or “Us Forever” in Japanese characters. He wasn’t even at the studio to witness the act. In his place, my classmates revolved faithfully in and out of the neon parlor doors to coo at the masterpiece in progress.

My friend Jessica held my hand as I winced in pain bracing the area around my appendix like a woman suffering labor. She looked over the artist’s shoulder at the fleshy front of my right hip and assured me, “When it’s all over and you see how gorgeous it is, you’ll totally forget the pain.”

Like a new mom with a deadbeat partner, I’d be the single bearer of my own joyous creation, an innocent lovechild I’d keep and be proud of forever, born of a half-decade tumultuous affair.

He told me if I went through with it, he’d be gone. I decided to find out.

I meant it as a poke, either to push him to me or away. After I had my sexy markings, he’d either stay with me once and for all or jump fully into the affair he was having.

My new ink was be my way of saying, “I can make permanent decisions about my life without you. It’s your last chance to choose between her and me.”


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