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I Got Married Because My Parents Started Charging Me Rent

Ideally, couples get married because they love each other. However, there are many other reasons people decide to marry, and these reasons aren’t all based on romance.

Some people marry for love. Others marry for money.

There are people who get married because their culture or society demands it of them. Some people find themselves in an arranged marriage.

A woman may get married to avoid being seen as an “old maid.” A man may get married to prevent being labeled a “confirmed bachelor.”

Once you recognize not all marriages are born from romance, the possibilities are endless.

As for me, I got married because my parents started charging me rent when I turned eighteen.

When my parents said they were going to charge me rent, I was furious. I didn’t see why I had to pay rent if I had a curfew. Surely those two things were mutually exclusive.


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