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I Honestly Don’t Know How I Survived My Childhood

Trigger Warning: child sexual abuse. If you were a victim too, I’m so sorry.

The therapist told me that I have been put into fight or flight for so long that it had resulted in my anxiety, claustrophobia, and panic attacks.

I never gave much thought to the abuse — deep inquiring thought about what I’ve been through.

I’ve always wanted to erase the details. I always hoped that if I forgot, maybe it didn’t happen.

There’s a part of my brain that is numb. There’s a protective barrier erected that has allowed me to carry on with life.

I used to bang my head against the wall. In the privacy of my room. I didn’t understand why. Partly rage I didn’t know how to dissipate, but why directed at myself? A way to wipe the brain clean?

I was frustrated that I was hurting myself. I was aware it wasn’t right. And that just made me even more distressed. I wanted to scream, but someone would hear and wonder why.

I hated my own body. It was betraying me by developing. Maybe it was my fault. I hated puberty and just wanted my chest to remain flat.

The violation. Every week for 6 years. He entered my home, my sanctuary, when I was 11 years old and I was only fully rid of him at 17.


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