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I Invited My Boyfriend To My Period Calendar To Save Our Relationship From My Premenstrual Dysmorphic Disorder

While for some women PMS means feeling crampy and moody and being all, “I just want to stay home and watch TV and eat candy,” mine is more of the “it would be really easy for me to just step directly in front of a bus right now” variety.

Forget bloating. I become legitimately clinically depressed due to a little condition, that medical science, like to call PMDD, i.e., premenstrual dysphoric disorder.

In a nutshell, my period has always sucked. Until I started taking birth control, my periods were so painful they made me throw up. For an added dose of fun, my menstrual cycle was completely irregular, so it was almost impossible for me to predict when the damn thing would arrive to torture me.

Most people I know do what people normally do when women complain about PMS, i.e., give me well-intended but utterly useless advice.

“Lose weight!”

Yes, because it’s so easy for me to lose weight and keep it off, and also that’s not already a struggle of the mind, body, and spirit I’ve been engaged in since I was literally 7 years old. right?

“Try name-of-any-period-tracking-app-calculator-or-calendar-you-can-think-of on your phone!”

See, while I get that those kinds of calendars are helpful for women who have a monthly cycle that runs like clockwork when you’re irregular like I am, you’d just drive the little computer brains inside of those apps crazy as they relentlessly hound you. “Did you get it today?… Eight days from now?… Never?!… IDFK what to tell you, babe.”


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