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If You Answer ‘No’ To These 5 Questions, You Don’t Feel Emotionally Safe In Your Relationship

Feeling emotionally safe is an important factor in staying in a relationship with someone, but what happens when you spot some signs of a toxic relationship?

Did you fall in love with a person who was so amazing that you thought you’d been blessed with a soulmate? Then, did you find the relationship deteriorating into something more like being cursed with a cellmate? That happens all too often. I wish it didn’t, but it does. Sometimes, you’re not quite sure what is wrong. In that case, there are a few deep questions you can ask yourself to figure things out.

You’ve heard that when something seems too good to be true, it is. This applies to relationships, too.

One big thing that is true is that you are responsible for keeping yourself safe. Sometimes, you forget this when you are so charmed and enchanted by that seemingly perfect new person in your life. You abandon your concerns and your judgment to experience the joys of falling in love, while being swept off your feet. That happens and things only get better as time goes on when you are in a healthy relationship and feel emotionally safe. But there are far too many that don’t work out that way.

I hate to burst your bubble but there are people in the world who simply want to have power over you. All the charm, seduction, and seeming perfection is short-lived. In fact, it usually only lasts long enough to get you to fall for them, move in, marry, or get pregnant. Shortly thereafter they start trying to control you, your life, your family, friends, and finances.

And, with that need for control, the charm, seduction, and seeming perfection become what it always was: lying, exploitation, and manipulation. You don’t want to believe it. You want to keep the “happily ever after” story. You want to believe the lies that they were magical, and you were enchanted. It seemed perfect. You want to believe the promises, even though all evidence in your day-to-day life tells you differently. Yet, you hold on, hoping they will change.

You tell yourself, “If only I am more patient, kind, loving, understanding, nurturing, undemanding, compassionate, etc., then things will get better.” When you are in an emotionally unsafe relationship, your partner is counting on you believing it’s your fault things aren’t working. In fact, once you think about it, you’ll realize that, actually, everything is your fault— at least, that’s what your partner tells you. You are not emotionally safe. In fact, you’re likely not safe in any way.

What exactly is emotional safety?

This quote from Anais Nin says it all: “We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.”


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