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If you don’t want to regret anything in life, don’t say “no” to these 17 things.

Regret is an inevitable aspect of life that we all experience. However, the goal is to minimize the number of regrets we have. Shockingly, a staggering 74% of Americans have financial regrets. Nevertheless, similar to failure, there are valuable lessons to be learned from regret. If you want to live a life free of regrets and guilt, here are some things you should start saying “yes” to:

1) Embrace spontaneous trips: Traveling is one of the most rewarding experiences in life. The world is vast and offers so much more than what’s in your immediate surroundings. As someone who has traveled extensively (to almost 100 countries!), I have never regretted saying yes to a spontaneous trip. Whether it’s exploring Paris, going on a safari in Namibia, or taking a helicopter ride over the Himalayan Mountains, these are the experiences that will stay with you forever. So, don’t hesitate to embark on new adventures and explore the world. And remember, living without regrets doesn’t necessarily mean pursuing big things; it can also be about smaller moments.

2) Don’t be afraid of public displays of affection (PDA): Stop worrying about what others think and embrace moments of PDA. Whether it’s a warm embrace or a quick peck on the cheek, there’s no need to feel guilty about expressing your affection. Just make sure you don’t break any laws in the process, like Hugh Grant did back in 1995.

3) Connect with your mother: Moms may sometimes annoy us or call at inconvenient times, but they offer valuable advice and guidance. Did you know that hearing your mom’s voice can actually release oxytocin, a hormone that aids in healing wounds? Time with our moms is limited, so make an effort to have meaningful conversations and cherish those moments.

4) Attend local events: When was the last time you engaged with your community? It’s easy to shy away from festivals, fairs, and farmers’ markets due to crowds, but saying “yes” can lead to reconnecting with old acquaintances, meeting new people, and discovering local businesses. It’s an excellent way to feel more connected to your community.

5) Talk to new people: Many of us grew up with a fear of strangers due to the concept of “stranger danger.” This fear often leads to social anxiety and prevents us from reaching out to new people. However, avoiding human interaction means missing out on potential friendships, professional connections, and even finding a soulmate. Expand your social circle by saying “yes” to reaching out and engaging with new people.

6) Reconnect with old friends and acquaintances: Sometimes, we lose touch with individuals who have had a significant impact on our lives. Take the opportunity to reconnect with them, whether through social media or other means. Last year, two of my old school friends reached out after 15 years of silence, and we were able to reunite. Don’t be afraid to reach out because you never know what you might gain from the experience.

7) Surround yourself with flowers: Take the time to appreciate the beauty of nature by filling your home with flowers and plants. Not only does this brighten up your living space, but it can also purify the air and protect you from pollution. Gardening can also serve as a therapeutic and fulfilling hobby.

8) Don’t shy away from photos: Don’t worry about how you look in the moment and be present in group photos. Years from now, you won’t remember your imperfections, but you will cherish the memories and the people you spent time with. Don’t let vanity prevent you from capturing precious moments.

9) Create memories intentionally: Part of living a regret-free life is actively making memories. Don’t wait for epic moments to come to you; go out and seek new experiences. Try new things, take selfies, and make sure to live your life in a way that leaves you with nothing but smiles.

10) Don’t always stay home: It’s tempting to stay home and relax after a long day of adulting. However, if you make staying in your default option, you’ll miss out on exciting opportunities. Push past tiredness and say “yes” to that cocktail date or social event. You might be surprised by the experiences that await you.

11) Let others take control in the kitchen: If you’re usually the one in charge of cooking, give others, like your kids or spouse, a chance to showcase their culinary skills. It might not turn out perfectly, but it’s an opportunity to bond, have fun, and create lasting memories.

12) Indulge in guilty pleasures like chocolate: In a world obsessed with appearances and health trends, it’s easy to feel inadequate about your body. However, life is too short to worry about every calorie. Enjoy that extra slice of cake or your favorite treat without guilt. The happiness it brings is far more valuable than obsessing over your weight.

13) Listen to the wisdom of older generations: As we age, we start to appreciate the wisdom and experiences of our elders. Take the time to listen when they share stories and advice. By learning from their mistakes, you can avoid making the same ones and keep their legacies alive.

14) Contribute to your community: Volunteer for a cause you care about to make a positive impact in your community. Not only does this enrich your soul, but it also allows you to try something new and meet like-minded individuals. If you haven’t given back lately, say “yes” to helping out.

15) Help others by doing favors: Doing favors for others not only benefits them but also gives you a sense of fulfillment and strengthens your relationships. Of course, it’s important to set boundaries and avoid becoming a doormat. However, in a world that often prioritizes self-absorption, doing a favor can make a significant difference.

16) Listen to your body’s needs: As we age, our bodies become more susceptible to issues and ailments. Pay attention to what your body is telling you and take care of yourself. Whether it’s scheduling regular check-ups or giving yourself time to rest, listening to your body can prevent avoidable health problems down the road.

17) Step out of your comfort zone: The comfort zone is called that for a reason. It’s comfortable but also limiting. Push yourself to try new things, take risks, and explore unfamiliar territories. Stepping out of your comfort zone is the ultimate change you can make to lead a life free of regrets.

Remember, life is too short to dwell on regrets. By saying “yes” to new experiences, connections, and personal growth, you can live a more fulfilling and regret-free life.


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