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If You Feel These 13 Things, You’re Officially In Love

By Mykh Goldstein

How many times have you wondered whether you will find “The One” or not? Isn’t your whole dating history an endless procession of people who weren’t good enough to be “The One”? And what if Prince Charming is around you and you don’t even know about it?

Well, there is the cliché of butterflies in the stomach that you could peruse to know if Mr. Forever is standing next to you. But suppose we tell you that there are physical reactions to adjudge the presence of Mr. Right around you!

Yes! Sometimes, the mind and the heart may not tell you what your body knows. This means that more than the heart fluttering and the weak knees, there are other reactions that your body displays when you are around “The One”

So what are these signs that you should look out for?

Well, this isn’t a clinical procedure. It is not like there are some symptoms that would prove the infection of love but these signs may help you to understand whether the person you are dating is special enough or not.


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