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If You Like Him, Research Says Wait This Long To ‘Friend’ Him Online

The perils of dating and/or having a successful romantic relationship in the age of social media are real. 

One of the biggest quandaries you face after going out on a couple of dates with someone? 

When should I add the person I like on social media? 

If you’ve dated in the age of Facebook, you know exactly what I’m talking about. 

It’s such a common conundrum that one dating site — WhatsYourPrice (an upsetting name for a dating site) — ran a study in 2016 to find out if when you friend your boyfriend or girlfriend on social media has any lasting impact on your relationship. 

14,000 people were divided into one of three groups: those who friended their last partner before their first date, just after their first date, or a month after their date or later. 

  • 26% of people friend-requested their last partner before their first date! That takes balls. I’m more than willing to admit that I do some serious Googling when it comes to a promising first date, but I’m not ABOUT to open those Facebook floodgates until I know this is something that might stick. 
  • 42% of people added their date as a friend right after their first meet-up. That’s kind of charming and sweet! Kind of naive and brave, but I get where they’re coming from. 
  • 32% of people friended their last partner a month after their first date or later.

See, now that’s what I call reasonable. Seasoned. Sane. You don’t know if you’re going to get married, but you have a consistent curiosity about what they had for lunch and enjoy seeing embarrassing childhood photos of them. 

So how long did the relationships each last?


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