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If You Want Your Girlfriend Back, Act Like A Man (Not A Boy)

If the male lead in the average romantic comedy has taught us anything, it’s that breakups involve a lot of heartache, a ton of beer drinking, a couple of strip clubs, and hours wondering how to get her back. I

n fact, the average man doesn’t realize just how much he actually loves his partner until she tells him she’s leaving.

Then he finds himself staring longingly at the vacant bathroom cabinet, where a makeup bag and box of tampons once sat, missing her.

Then, just like that, he starts asking himself how to get her back. Though he can ask all he wants, it’s not the asking but the action that will give him resolution.

You must first understand why she left.

The very first step in solving the ‘how to get her back’ riddle has to do with realizing why she actually left. Perhaps she told you why. You might have been too devoted to your work, awful at communication, or maybe she saw you ogling that hot barrister at the downstairs coffee shop one too many times.


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