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If your friend says these 10 things, they’re trying to trick you.

No one wants to believe that they can be easily manipulated, especially in a romantic relationship. However, it happens more often than people realize. Manipulators are skilled at their tactics, making it difficult to recognize their behaviors, especially in the early stages of a relationship. To protect yourself, it is important to familiarize yourself with common phrases that manipulators may use to mess with your mind. If your partner frequently uses these 10 phrases, they are likely trying to manipulate you, and it’s crucial not to let them get their way.

1) “I know we just met, but I already love you.” While love at first sight may seem romantic, it is often a manipulative tactic known as “love bombing.” Love bombing is used to create emotional dependency and attachment in the target person, which can be dangerous in the long run.

2) “If you truly loved me, you would do that.” This phrase is a form of guilt-tripping, where your partner tries to exploit your emotions and pressure you into doing something you might be uncomfortable with. It is essential to set boundaries in a relationship and not do everything your partner wants, even if you care for them.

3) “You never seem to have time for me anymore.” This statement is a passive-aggressive form of guilt-tripping, implying that you don’t care about your partner or prioritize them. It is important to maintain a sense of individuality and not lose yourself entirely in a new relationship.

4) “That didn’t happen.” Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic where your partner denies past incidents or suggests that they didn’t happen as you remember them. Gaslighting makes you doubt your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, leading to emotional dependency on your partner.

5) “It’s brave of you to go after that promotion, especially since you don’t really have a chance to get it.” Manipulators often target your insecurities to exert influence over you. Instead of supporting and encouraging you, they use your vulnerabilities to make you doubt yourself and become dependent on their approval.

6) “Maybe I could love you if you were more [insert adjective here].” Love should never be conditional, and someone who suggests otherwise does not have your best interest at heart.

7) “Your friends are a bad influence.” Isolating you from loved ones is a tactic used by manipulators to gain control over you. They may criticize your friends or family, discouraging you from spending time with them or claiming that they interfere with your relationship. This isolation is meant to make you depend solely on them for support.

8) “You’re making me act this way.” By placing blame entirely on you, your partner is trying to deflect responsibility for their actions. They want to make you feel guilty and manipulate you into changing your behavior to appease them.

9) Complete silence. Withholding affection, including physical intimacy or emotional support, is another form of manipulation. It is used as a means of control, to punish you, and make you feel insecure in the relationship.

10) “I won’t survive losing you.” This phrase puts a heavy burden on you by suggesting that any separation might lead to self-harm or harm to your partner. It is a manipulative tactic to prevent you from leaving or jeopardizing the relationship. It is important to prioritize your own well-being and seek support from friends and family if needed.

If your partner frequently uses these phrases, it is important to assess how you feel in the relationship. Being with a manipulator often leads to stress and emotional turmoil. If these behaviors persist, it is crucial to have open communication with your partner about their actions, set clear boundaries, and consider seeking professional help if necessary.


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