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If You’re Currently Single And A Decent Person, This Advice Is For You

The other night, my husband and I got a phone call from our friend Mason*. 

Mason is a great guy. He’s tall, hard-working, well-dressed, and will leave you in stitches when you talk to him.

He actually called because a girl stood him up on a date.

Mason was wondering what went wrong, and if he was to blame. He always tries to be respectful, always is straightforward, and … nothing really happens. He’s turned down women who weren’t his type, but such is life.

“Am I doing something wrong?” he asked.

Another friend of mine had spent the day wondering why she was single. She’s got a bubbly personality, a great sense of style and it’s not like she doesn’t have options. She tends to turn people down because she’s not attracted to the guys who want her.

“Am I doing something wrong?” she asked.

I hear this from every gender under the sun. I think there are a couple of things I need to say as someone who’s been there, done that.

If you’re currently single and a decent person, here are 7 things you need to know:

1. Being single is not a failure on your end

I’m really tired of hearing people act like being single is a bad thing.

Being a single guy is not a bad thing. Being a single girl is not a bad thing. This doesn’t mean you’re gross, unattractive, or anything else.


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