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Man laments after lady he intends to marry cheated with 4 men within 9 months

9 months ago

A man has found himself in a dilemma after finding out that the lady he intends to marry cheated on him with four different men during the 9 months he was away.

The man revealed that he had been dating the girl for quite sometime when he opened up on his decision to get married to her.

He stated that she demanded he come to her parents place to get introduced to her parents before he lives the country.

Nine months after he returned, he suspected that something had happened during his absence and she confirmed sleeping with four men.

Man laments after lady he intends to marry cheated with 4 men within 9 months
Heartbroken man.

He said that the lady has been consistently calling his mom and family members to apologize and ask for forgiveness.

His story read:

“Pls admin approve there is this lady I was dating and we agreed to marry before I traveled out but she said I must come and see here parents for introduction before I travel sothat she will knw am serious which I did before I traveled..I spent 9months and came back only for me to suspect her and she confirmed she cheated with 5 different men.. she has been begging and calling my mum and her family members to beg me to forgive her.. should I trash her away or for give her and continue with her pls advice me am confused..,”


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2 Responses

  1. My brother you don’t need to lamment,women are like that.she is not met to be yours.cheer up and move ahead,your rightful woman will should thank god you didn’t marry this one first before she started cheating

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