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My Boyfriend’s Ex-Girlfriend Called To Warn Me About Him

In the days before the advent of a cell phone in every pocket and the Internet on every cell phone, I took my phone calls on a landline tethered to the wall of my parent’s kitchen. It was heavy, beige, and even had a rotary dial.

Caller ID hadn’t been invented yet, either. When the phone rang, I had to make a judgment call, weighing the risks of answering an unwanted call against the rewards of picking up the phone and hearing someone I actually wanted to talk to on the other end of the line.

When the phone rang one summer day, I answered it. The phone call was not what I expected.

The woman on the other end of the line introduced herself as the recently dumped ex-girlfriend of the man I was currently dating. Awkward.

She was reasonably kind and composed, considering the circumstances. My boyfriend had left her for me. She could have been more vindictive.

Instead, she cited “girl code” and told me all his secrets.

To be more specific, she told me all about the lies my boyfriend had told her when they were together. She asked whether he had told me the same stories, which he had, and then she debunked them one by one.

I don’t remember whether I was polite or rude, but I’m sure I was more of the former than the latter. I recognized she was just trying to do me a favor. Besides, as far as I could tell, every word she said was true.


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