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“My father is insisting on 50 million as my bride price” – Lady cries out for advice

9 months ago

A Kenyan lady has cried out for advice over her father who insists that her fiancée pays 50 million as her bride price.

The 29-year-old business administration graduate revealed that she’s dating a primary school dropout who works as farmer.

"My father is insisting on 50 million as my bride price" – Lady cries out for advice
Heartbroken lady.

She said that when she told her father that her fiancee’s plan about paying bride price, he inform her that it’s 50 million shillings and he’s determined about it.

She wrote:

“Greetings Ssalongo Ssali

l am a girl aged 29. I have a degree in business administration. I have no serious job yet. My parents are local peasants but they painfully managed to pay all my school fees from nursery up to University.

After University, I immediately got a man who is now serious with plans to marry me. He’s a kind of hardworking man who stopped in primary 7 and dropped out of school. He then started a small farm. It’s still a young farm with only 500 birds and some few animals. I am currently helping him to grow the farm but he still lacks capital.

He however has a plan to visit my parents and do the introduction in order to legalize our marriage even before expanding the farm.

Recently i went home and told my father about the preparation to take my husband to visit them and find out the pride price my parents need.

My dad told me openly that he wants 50 Million Shillings from my husband as the bride price and he insisted! But to be honest, that money is too much for my husband. He can’t raise it because he has no parents to support him. They all died. He was raised by his poor uncle.

We have tried all means to convince my father to reduce on that amount but he has refused. Now I am confused.

Should i leave my poor man and look for a well off man who can raise this amount or I should ignore my father’s words and secretly continue with my marriage?

Kindly advise me.”


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13 Responses

  1. Your father is joking or he does not want you to marry the man. What do you want to do ? I think is high time traditional marriages changed from asking expensive dowries or even ogarnising expensive wedding ceremonies. We must understand that dowries and wedding ceremonies are not really the marriage. The marriage is the love, consent,peace of mind and regular complement that is represented by the couples. A parent might decide to make expensive demand on their daughter but the question is, have you considered happiness of your daughter or your son in-law in that marriage ? So is best to put love and happiness above short material gain.

  2. Your father will surely marry you if you can’t use your brain because the earlier you know that he is a glutton and also wants to make business out of you, the better. Please run from him because things might get worse than you could imagine. He might decide to marry you for someone else out of your wish.

  3. It is disheartening to hear about situations where women face dowry practices and pressure from their families. It is extremely important to realize that marriage should be based on love, respect and consent and not on financial transactions. It is important for this woman to seek support and advice from trusted sources such as friends, support groups or lawyers who can help her overcome this difficult situation and defend her rights.

  4. This is hard but the honest truth is that do u love the guy so much if yes my dear go on with ur secret marriage with him then leta after having kids go back to ur dad and apologize. Because if u tend to wait for a man of such ability u may end up not getting married or better still if he wants you to marry such type of person he should provide one for u.

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