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My Veterinarian Shamed Me For Not Having The Money To Save My Cat

What would you do to save a pet that you loved? If you’re like most people, you will do whatever you could, but sometimes some things prevent you from saving their lives.

When I say I loved my cat Yoshi more than anything in the world — it isn’t an exaggeration.

I’m not wealthy; I never made it in Hollywood. I’m not married or a mom, but I had a Yoshi. Not everybody gets a Yoshi, and I’m so grateful that I got to be his cat mom.

Yoshi made my life feel special.

For my boyfriend, Andy, and I, our lives centered around Yoshi. When he started to demand breakfast as well as dinner, an extra meal was added into the rotation; when he began to yowl at night, we tried leaving the light on to help calm him, and when that didn’t work, we lived with interrupted sleep and with the anxiety we had when his yowls sounded as if he was being tortured.

After Yoshi and his partner-in-crime, Ray, the late tuxedo cat, viciously attacked our female cat, Allie, we had to keep her sequestered in the bedroom away from him.

This punished me more than Yoshi because he couldn’t sleep in the bedroom with me any longer. When he got older and needed me more, he didn’t understand why he was always locked out.

If we had to go up North to check in on my mother, my boyfriend and I always made sure that our roommate could take care of Yoshi in our absence. There was no “just leave enough food and water” and come back in a day or two. Yoshi demanded care, and we gave it to him.


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