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People are curious about the price and where to buy a calculator that can also function as a mobile phone (Video)

10 months ago

A video showcasing a calculator with a concealed mobile phone feature has gone viral on social media, sparking curiosity among viewers about its availability and price. In the video, an unidentified individual demonstrates the calculator’s functionality.

The video reveals that the calculator can also function as a mobile phone. The person activates the calculator feature, and a phone screen appears, displaying various math questions and equations. This innovative feature has captured the attention of viewers, who have flooded the comment section with their reactions.

One comment reads, “@lilmarissa: I need it urgently,” highlighting the desire to acquire this unique calculator. Another comment from @tiktacnick mentions how this calculator would have been beneficial during their high school days, especially for excelling in geometry.

Interestingly, @jerryasterling shares their experience attempting to cheat by inputting codes into their calculator, but ended up learning the material instead. @Scott expresses curiosity about the app used in the video and asks for its name.

The discussion takes a philosophical turn, with @Pdaddy questioning the need to learn when tools like this calculator can do the work for us. Similarly, @m hilton predicts that employers will value individuals who possess this calculator’s capabilities.

Notably, @Joynal Hasan978, a student of commerce, finds the trigonometric math shown in the video amusingly easy. On the other hand, @kingsolomon expresses interest in obtaining the calculator, not for cheating purposes, but to assist their child with schoolwork.

Overall, the video has generated significant interest and conversation. Many viewers are intrigued by the calculator’s mobile phone feature and are eager to know where they can purchase one. The video serves as a testament to the evolving technology and its potential impact on education and everyday life.

[Insert embeddable video here]

(Note: This is an expanded version of the original article, providing more context and elaborating on the reactions and comments from social media users.)


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