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Quiet Desperation: The Reason Many Marriages Will Slowly Come To An End

By Carol Madden

Marriages don’t end overnight.

Usually, it is a slow, painful decline over years. Sometimes even decades, depending on how much pressure we put ourselves under to stay together no matter how unhappy we feel.

It doesn’t have to be a catastrophic event like physical abuse or infidelity for you to know that your marriage is over.

So many of us know deep down in our hearts that a relationship needs to end, but the pain is so great that we go into denial and try to suffer it out for as long as we can.

Society tells us that if a marriage is over, we haven’t tried hard enough. We didn’t have what it took to make it work when other couples were able to get through.

Society also tells us that leaving is not an option once we have children. That you are condemning yourself and your kids to a broken life of trauma and failure if you don’t stay together forever.

It’s ok to challenge this conditioning.

In 1997 a book called Too Good To Leave, Too Bad To Stay by family psychotherapist Mira Kirshenbaum made the bestsellers list.


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