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The Common Advice That Made Staying Sober So Hard For Me

“You realize if you want to go clean, you have to stop hanging out with your friends, right?” the counselor asked me.

I was 20, and I was getting really tired of people telling me what to do.

“Well then, that’s not going to happen,” I said. “Those are my only friends. I’m not like you, who can go up to any Joe Schmo and befriend them. People don’t like me. They think I’m weird.”

“If you don’t stop hanging out with them, you’re going to die,” he said. “People will love you, you just have to keep trying.”

“Okay, I’ll make sure to pick out a funeral parlor,” I replied as I walked out the door. 20 minutes later, I was on the train to Union Square, ready to get picked up by my homies.

It was one of many times I tried to seek help for addiction, and it was also one of many times I had to use my inner monologue to talk myself down from throat-punching the preachy little s*** across from me.

When I look back at these times from a sober perspective, this type of advice really didn’t help.

I think there is a point in every addict’s life where there is going to be a moron with a holier-than-thou attitude giving them advice that was never asked for nor needed.


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