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The End Of Dating Is What Happens When Social Contracts Die

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the dating scene. A lot of women who are looking for marriage feel like they’re getting short-changed.

Not only are women expected to look good, and thoroughly vet guys to make sure that we don’t end up with a rapist or an axe murderer, but we also have to deal with the act of actually showing we’re enough for men these days.

The double standards are staggering and so is the audacity women face in dating:

  • Women risk their lives meeting up with a stranger, but if they ask for the guy to pay for the first date, they’re “entitled.”
  • If a woman gets assaulted or cheated on, she’s going to be blamed for it.
  • Women are told not to have sex, then are pressured to have sex, and then get devalued for doing what they thought would make their date happy.
  • Women are told they get to choose who they date, but if they reject guys, they have to brace themselves for a litany of abuse.
  • When women say they want equal rights, some men claim that this means they should get the right to hit them.
  • Women still do the vast majority of housework, childcare, and emotional labor in a marriage … but they’re somehow still the ones who should be begging for a wedding ring.

To men’s shock and dismay, women have been starting to realize that marriage doesn’t serve them anymore. And, as a result, they’ve been decentering men in their lives.

This issue is a perfect example of what a dying social contract looks like.

In order to live in society well, we all take on certain social contracts. Social contracts are unspoken rules that we all follow, mostly dealing with what we do and what we get out of it.


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