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The First Person Most People Call After A Bad Break-Up, According To Research

We don’t often think about it, but the first person we call after a breakup is kind of important. It’s the person we trust and feel we can turn to in our most vulnerable moments. So … who is this person?

According to 2015 research done by the smartphone app, LISTEN and opinion database, YouGov, many people are very specific when it comes to who they lean on when dealing with a broken heart, they won’t just call anyone. After a bad event, people are most likely to call their closest circle, and then their family.  

How were the people most likely to break up with their partners? According to the study, a conversation in real life remains the most popular. Three out of four of those surveyed would break up with a partner face-to-face, while the remainder prefers a phone call.

After contacting 1,094 U.S. adults, they found that a female friend is a person most people turn to talk about a recent heartbreak, coming in at 27 percent, and Mom comes in second (but don’t tell her that!) at 17 percent, after that, it’s a sibling at 10 percent, with a male friend also at 10 percent. 

Another family member was at 4 percent, and Dad at 2 percent, the person we just broke up with at 2 percent.


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