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The Kind Of Men That Look For Online Affairs

The first time we met The Ashley Madison Agency was on network television during a commercial break. Amidst jingles for fabric softener and liquid eyeliner, the booming phrase “Life is too short. Have an affair!” jerked us into consciousness. Life is too short? Have an affair? Is this cheating or a second helping of dessert? 

We’ve written about The Ashley Madison Agency — a dating site for itchy married folks — and have always meant to check it out for giggles.

After all, what kind of person advertises his/her infidelity online? Are they trying to get caught? Aren’t flash-in-the-pan affairs meant for business trips and office parties? (Kidding!) How are you going to explain your online dating profile to your wife or husband? 

What kind of guys look for affairs online?

Regardless, the site boasts over 4 million viewers, which means a.) Ashley Madison is doing something right and b.) a lot of people cheat.

So imagine our excitement when we came across “The Cheaters Club” a 2009 piece for Vanity Fair written by a single woman, Melanie Berliet, who poses as an unhappily married woman on the prowl.


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