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The Longest Lasting Couples Are Great At Doing Two Very Specific Things, According To Research

It’s not earth-shattering news that sex is an essential part of a long-term relationship. Sex connects you to your partner and helps you have a deeper understanding of them. 

But how do you keep the sexual part of your relationship exciting and satisfying after you’ve been with your partner for a number of years, and how important is having good sex to the longevity of your relationship?

A 2016 study published in the Journal of Sex Research found that the happiest couples not only have a lot of sex, but they talk about it, too.

The researchers figured out that men and women who are sexually satisfied are also happier in their relationships.

Researchers at Chapman University, California State University, Sonoma State University, and the Kinsey Institute, posted a survey in 2006 and then analyzed the answers of almost 39,000 married or heterosexual couples who lived together, all of whom had been together for at least three years. The average age was 40 for women and 46 for men. 

Participants were asked to rate their current sexual satisfaction on a scale of one to seven. In addition, they were asked to rate their sexual satisfaction in the first six months of their relationship.

A huge majority of respondents remembered being satisfied in the first six months of their relationship, but only about half (43 percent of men and 55 percent of women) said they were currently satisfied.


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