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The One Thing My Marriage Counselor Said That Completely Freaked Me Out

My husband and I were chatting. It was a conversation we had occasionally over the years. It was in relation to my fascination with how his Dad treated his Mother.

“I don’t get it,” I said. “Look at how your Father treats your Mother.”

“I don’t know what to tell you,” said my husband.

“But it’s bewildering,” I said. “That you don’t treat me the same way. Your Father literally puts your Mother on a pedestal.”

My husband was not phased.

Again, I was fascinated. My husband grew up watching a man who adored his wife and wanted nothing but her happiness. Why wouldn’t he model some of that behavior?

It was not unusual to hear my Father-in-law say things like, “As long as she’s happy” or “Whatever she wants.” 

He would brag about his wife. “She looked younger than any other woman there” or “She’s the smartest woman I know.”

Their personalities were cavernously different.

My Father-in-law was a confident joyful guy who wanted nothing more than for everyone around him to be happy. He lived for his family and constantly bragged about his children. He was a man of few needs and treated everyone he met with respect.


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