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The People Who Will Heal Your Wounds When Time Won’t

By Laura Van De Walle​

After someone you love walks away from you, all you really have to rely on is time. With time, you start to slowly recover, learning to live life without them.

You adjust, you alter, you avoid — anything that just makes it even the slightest bit easier for you.

Every fragment of progress that you gain feels like a massive accomplishment because you really never thought you’d get this far without them.

People stop asking you if you’re alright or if you miss them. They start asking what the future holds for you and when you’re going to start putting yourself out there again.

The push to move forward is a good one — a healthy one — and we all have to do it eventually. Sometimes it’s nice when people start forgetting what used to be because it helps you forget for a short while, too.

What I really want to know, though, is how long is it acceptable to grieve the loss of this person? This person that you loved with every fiber of your being. This person who was your go to, your partner, your teammate, your best friend.

How long is it acceptable to think about them? Everyone around you moves on, everyone around you assumes you have moved on.


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