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The Top 5 Questions I Get Asked As A Breakup Coach (And My Honest Answers)

Isn’t it ironic that people always tell me how “their relationship was different and I just don’t understand,” yet they all ask the same questions?

Science has long proven that all humans have the same basic needs and emotions.

Here are the 5 most common questions I get asked by clients after a breakup. My honest answers will help you reframe any breakup into a breakthrough.

Here are the top 5 questions I get asked as a breakup coach:

1. What is the fastest and easiest way to get over my ex? 

Let me tell you this straight: Breakups are supposed to be hard.

You’ve spent months or years with a person, there was love and intimacy and suddenly that’s taken away from you. That hurts and there’s no way around it.

I understand we live in a society that’s obsessed with everything going fast (“Lose 10 pounds in a week!”, “Become a top speaker in a month”) but that’s simply not how healing works. Emotional growth is a process and you’ll build this capacity one step at a time.

Here’s the answer my clients don’t like to hear: The fastest and easiest way to get over a breakup is to face the pain and allow all the uncomfortable feelings.

Working through your trauma is the most effective way to come back stronger — not finding any shortcuts to bypass it. The more you resist and suppress your grief, the longer it’ll stay stuck in your body and shape your reality.


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