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This Simple Pet Test Will Tell You If Your Relationship Is Going To Work Out

“My dog doesn’t like my boyfriend so it’s a no-go.”

“If she’s worth dating, my cat will cozy right up to her.”

“My pets can always tell if someone’s a good person. Always.”

If you’re thinking, “My dog doesn’t like my boyfriend,” the pet test can be a great judge of character.

Whether or not you’re consciously employing them, your subconscious is always busy at work sizing up people and situations. How does your date treat the wait staff in a restaurant? Does he tip well, and does he say “please” and “thank you”? How does the person treat old people, children, and animals? 

If you can step back from your infatuation and become a quiet observer, you can really learn a lot about a potential partner. However, if you’re still convinced that your current catch is too good to be true, you may want to put someone else on the job. Someone, that is, whose primary infatuation and devotion are to you: your pet.

Specifically, your furry, domesticated, “I put my vet’s kids through college,” and “Can’t live without ’em” Fidos and Fluffies.

If you’re lucky enough to share your digs with some Frito paws or a hairball machine, you’ve got a built-in judge of your new relationship.


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