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Top 10 Things You Must Do or Not Do In Relationships

Attention Men: Top 10 Guidelines for Successful Relationships


This advice is tailored to men. Please note that it’s intended for male individuals. Feel free to agree or disagree based on your perspective.

1. Avoid committing to major projects with an unmarried partner, such as launching a business or relocating together. Relationship changes could negatively impact these endeavors. It’s best to wait until marriage before engaging in such collaborations.

2. Remember that your girlfriend isn’t your wife. Despite your feelings, there’s a 50% chance you won’t marry her. Be cautious about financial commitments and gifts that could lead to regrets if the relationship ends.

3. Keep in mind the saying, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” Refrain from accepting gifts or loans that could cause complications if the relationship sours. Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst.

4. Moving in with your girlfriend might harm your self-esteem over time. Instead, prioritize your independence. She’s your girlfriend, not your spouse.

5. Trust your instincts: if you’re uncomfortable with her close relationship with another man, address it openly. Don’t let guilt tactics make you feel insecure. Confront the issue, and if necessary, consider ending the relationship.

6. Cheating is a deal-breaker. If you catch your partner cheating, it’s advisable to leave. Forgiveness may not be genuine, and the relationship likely won’t lead to marriage.

7. Keep a respectful distance from your girlfriend’s friends and family. Overfamiliarity can lead to misunderstandings and issues.

8. Learn to apologize promptly. We all make mistakes. When you sense tension, offer a sincere apology and seek forgiveness, rather than waiting for confrontation.

9. Set firm boundaries and stick to them. What’s unacceptable today will remain so tomorrow. Steer clear of being overly flexible; maintaining your stance will earn you respect in the long run.

10. Lastly, remember that she’s not your wife, and you’re not her father. Until marriage, don’t expect her to prioritize you as you shouldn’t prioritize her.


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