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What Happened When I Missed My Period For 6 Months In A Row — On Purpose

Typically, missed periods are a serious cause of alarm for women who aren’t hoping to get pregnant, but there are also plenty of women who are more than happy to try skipping their period on purpose — with the help of their OB/GYN and birth control pills.

But how does purposely messing with your menstrual cycle affect a women’s health and wellness, especially if she’s prone to depression? Well, I found it.

I was fourteen the first time a doctor recommended that I go on birth control pills. 

This suggestion wasn’t made because I was sexually active. God no, that was still years and years away. The doctor in question was actually my dermatologist, who thought “the pill” might help sort out the hormonal war zone that was my face.

My mom and I talked about it on the way home, and by talking about it, I mean that she promptly stated, “If we do this, don’t think it gives you permission to go running around.”

(To this day I’m not sure why my mom would have thought 14-year-old me was chomping at the bit to do so, but regardless, that very much was not the case.) 

Ultimately, my parents decided I wouldn’t go on birth control, as apparently, neither of them believed I could be trusted to remember to take a pill at the same time every day, which is totally fair. The fact that I remember my own name on a daily basis is a small miracle.


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