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What Happened When Our Marriage Counselor Called Out My Husband’s ‘Good Ole Boy’ Mentality

“Can you believe she’s got me driving these kids here and driving these kids there,” said my husband.

I’m not sure who was more shocked: me or our marriage counselor.

I watched as our therapist tried to navigate the delicate issue of pulling a man into the 21st-century.

It was the infancy of our couples counseling. We were more conversational in tone and in terms of counseling advice, being hit less overtly between the eyes. A good counselor won’t alienate you in the beginning by coming on too harshly.

A good therapist wants you to heal and therefore needs you to return, so our counselor said little.

We finished our appointment and walked to our car.

“What were you thinking?” I asked.

“What?” said my husband.

“Why would you say something like that to a marriage counselor?” I said.

“Oh, him,” said my husband. “He’s old-school.”

“You’re kidding, right?” I said. “Just because our psychologist marriage counselor is older than us doesn’t mean he’s a good ole boy. It doesn’t mean he’s got a gender-biased sexist view of so-called traditional marital roles.”


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