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What It’s Like To Suffer From Premature Breakup Syndrome

Have you ever broken up with someone long before you should have?

Maybe you thought the person wasn’t good enough for you or that you could do better.

Perhaps you broke up while the relationship still worked, but you decided that since everybody left you at some point, you might as well make a preemptive strike. 

Dump them before they get a chance to dump you.

If that’s your thought pattern, you may suffer from premature breakup syndrome (which isn’t an official disease, but hey, it works).

While you don’t want to rush into a relationship, you don’t want to rush into a breakup either. If you’re too hasty in breaking up, you may find yourself regretting it for a very long time, and you may never actually get any closure.

I had a bad case of pre-mature breakup syndrome (PBS) that lasted for many years. I was so terrified that any boyfriend would eventually leave me, so I’d end things long before they became stale-dated.

My first real boyfriend was in college. Gerry was funny, sweet, cute, and loved me, but his love scared me. 


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