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What My Life Would Be Like If I Hadn’t Lost You

By Rachel Connell

To think it’s been a year since I lost you.

As much as I clutched onto the idea of things staying constant and as much as I comforted myself with the false pretense that maybe nothing would change without you, things have.

It doesn’t feel like the empty time that’s passed by could possibly be complete without one of your warm hugs or comforting movie nights. But time’s moved on now, and it’s scary to think that I haven’t yet.

To think that many of the people in my life now won’t ever know you and that the photos on my walls won’t ever age, it terrifies me to the core.

A life without you, my mom… It’s a strange melancholy, to say the least.

I’m sure if you were still here, I’d have one less heartbreak. My chest may not feel the sting it does when each holiday rolls around.

I’d have one less teary-eyed relative reach out to me this Thanksgiving with kind words and promises of support. I’d enjoy one additional delicious turkey dinner, and one more moment to stop and breathe in the warm smell of your pumpkin pie baking in the oven.

If you were still here, I’d call you up and gush for hours about a boy who I think could be great for me.


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