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What To Do The Moment You Realize You’re Not So Special To Your Partner

There comes a moment in every relationship when you realize you’re just not that special. At leaset, not more special than almost anyone else. 

So, what was yours? Was it when he qualified a statement about love with, “Love has its limits”? Or was it when he stared with such keen interest at the leggy thirty-something that your eyes widened, and you did a double take?

Or perhaps it was the slip-of-the-tongue reference to an ex; a wistful vacation memory, a fondness for their friends and a life so foreign you couldn’t replicate if you tried. But here you are, realizing that your someone at this moment is anywhere but here with you. A sweep of loneliness tinged with sadness settles into you, but you can’t brush it away — because it has a ring of familiarity. You have felt this way before. 

In his book, Getting The Love You Want, Harville Hendricks, a thoughtful analyst of humans in a relationship and couples therapist himself, says no matter how often we fall in love, and no matter what logic and practicality say, we still look for “The One” for whom we will be “The Number One”. He shares that the person inside each one of us wants someone to see and hear us as unique, defying comparison and unconditionally loved.

The day that this inside person faces the reality they aren’t that special, there is sorrow and internal shattering of awful proportions. You aren’t the center of your partner’s universe. You aren’t going to be loved unconditionally the same way a child would be. But this revelation can also be freeing.

To mourn the death of hope isn’t self-centered or fragile, so don’t quiet or shame them, and definitely don’t say “It’s okay”. You might first want comfort your inner child by calling them tender nickname, like the one I gave mine, Little Re-Ta.  


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