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Why Being Pushy In A Relationship Is Actually A Good Thing

Being pushy usually backfires in a relationship or marriage. The image of the domineering, controlling man and also that of the harping, “pit bull” woman come to mind when we talk about being pushy.

Nobody likes to feel pushed around. Pushiness tends to bring up reactions of defensiveness, emotional shutting down, and outright hostility.

But we understand why people get pushy. If there are things that your partner does that frustrate you, exerting some pressure on him or her to change might be your impulse. If your partner’s habits seem disrespectful, hurtful, or like a betrayal to you, we can see how you might push for some significant changes.

After all, as relationship advice will tell you, you deserve to be treated with kindness, respect, and love. You are worthy of the relationship you most desire.

Being pushy doesn’t often work, but sometimes it can be effective… if done correctly. Here are 4 times when it’s okay to be pushy in your relationship.

Here is why being pushy in a relationship is actually a good thing:

1. When you have reached a non-negotiable

We all have lines that we are absolutely unwilling to cross. For you, this might be a line that you won’t cheat and you won’t stay with a cheater. In this example, cheating is that line that you will not tolerate being crossed.

We call these things that you aren’t willing to cross the line for your non-negotiables. These are what you will not debate, compromise or negotiate about. They are that important to you.


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