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Why Catholic School Destroyed My Relationship With God And The Church

I didn’t start being afraid of God until I was thirteen.

Sometimes that surprises people. They assume that because my father is a priest that I quaked in the presence of the Almighty as a kid or that as an adult I’m all “churched out” because of my upbringing.

But it’s not like that at all. 

My dad is intensely smart. This is something I think any person who has met him could tell you about him.

But they couldn’t tell you that he sometimes answers the phone in the voice of an elderly British woman or that he created a sparkling inner life for our black lab.

To the average person on the street our dog was just a dog, but to our family, and courtesy of my dad, she was a stripper who went by the name ‘Suede’ and danced at a local club called The Foxy Lady to support her puppies (and her penchant for sherry). 

In addition to my sense of humor, my dad gave me a love of the idea of Jesus (yeah, with a capital J and everything). 

I didn’t think of God as some figure in the clouds waiting to strike me down the minute I defied him. I thought of Him as someone my dad might hang out with. Someone who would laugh at the idea of my dog being a stripper. Someone loving and funny and witty and kind and prone to forgiveness and eager to provide comfort wherever he could. 

In short, I guess I kind of pictured him being a lot like my dad.  

Then in 8th grade, I was enrolled in a parochial school. It was my first time in a Catholic environment as I was raised in an Anglican church, and it did not go well. 


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