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Why Loving You Was Too Big Of A Secret For Me To Keep

By Megan Glosson

I tend to laugh when people use the phrase “Secrets don’t make friends.” I can remember as early as second grade having a fellow classmate say, “If I tell you, you have to promise me you won’t tell anyone! It’s a secret!”

We watch TV shows that are filled with little indiscretions that are not supposed to be discovered or have our “top secret” recipe that we share with no one. The world as we know it thrives on secrecy.

My struggle has never actually been keeping secrets for others; my downfall is keeping my own secrets from falling into the wrong hands, especially secrets about feelings.

My emotions engulf me: even the smallest of situations to most can create a storm of feelings inside my brain.

So, naturally, when I develop attachments or feelings for other people it fills my cup to the point that it’s overflowing. When things overflow, there’s only one solution: it has to come out and go elsewhere.

Sometimes I confide in a friend who I trust, but I trust everyone too much.

Sometimes I use writing to soak up the spills, but paper can be found and read by others.

Sometimes I go directly to the one who my feelings are about, and that almost always blows up in my face.


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